‘What’s great about this team is the ability to think and act creatively within the planning process to achieve our client aims. We often think about creativity as being an artistic exercise, but thinking laterally and with an open mind enables us to solve problems using policy, legislation and process to best effect.’
I’ve been a qualified planner since 1998 and spent my first eight years dealing with planning applications and enforcement matters in a number of district councils, ending up as Head of Development Management. In that time, I determined literally thousands of planning applications from kitchen extensions to city extensions and did my time presenting to Planning Committees; consulting in draughty Parish meetings; and confronting irate farmers. I helped vulnerable individuals and big corporations through the planning process and have been praised and denounced in equal measure by neighbours, barristers and larger-than-life elected Councillors. The experiences gave me a deep insight into the workings of local government and there is little in planning that shocks or phases me. Professionally, I like nothing better than to help untangle a messy planning web of policy, politics, legislation and controversy on behalf of my clients.
In 2005, I joined Richard Hall in private practice and we have worked successfully together ever since, acting in the best interests of both private and public sector clients.
In consultancy, I have managed client planning projects covering the full range of sectors, using my experience to guide major proposals through the planning process. In recent years I have been increasingly involved in the promotion of major urban extension sites. I regularly act as expert witness at major planning inquiries and call-in inquiries and give evidence to Local Plan Examinations.
I am lucky to work with such enthusiastic and resourceful people and I generally learn the most from the newest members of the team.
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