Residential is a leading sector for P&DG, working on behalf of landowners, housebuilders and promoters to deliver much needed new housing nationwide.

To support residential development proposals, P&DG can interrogate five-year housing land supply, undertake sustainability appraisals and other relevant site assessments, prepare, submit and manage planning and pre-application processes and negotiate any requests for planning obligations to secure favourable planning outcomes for our clients.

Site identification and feasibility studies, strategic site promotion and public consultation are other key expertise the P&DG team demonstrate successfully in support of residential development.

Prior Approval – Idis House, Weybridge

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Certificate of Lawfulness – Plungar

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Bendigo Building, Brook Street, Nottingham

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Pondhouse Farm, Chesterfield

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Newmanleys Road, Eastwood, Nottinghamshire

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Mastin Moor, Chesterfield

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Development in Green Belt – Longdale Craft Centre

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Lime Lane, Derby

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Creswell Colliery

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Nottingham Trent University, Student Residences

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