Whitwell Colliery is one of the last and largest strategic brownfield sites in the Bolsover District and has laid vacant since the closure of the colliery in 1986. The site is, however, in a sustainable location adjacent to one of the District’s larger villages.

Client: Welbeck Estates Company

Size: 7 hectares approx.

LPA: Bolsover District Council and Derbyshire County Council

Expertise: Development Strategies, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Masterplanning

P&DG promoted the site through rounds of Local Plan Consultation and Examination providing a detailed promotional document, Master Plan and design imagery in support of the identification of the site. P&DG successfully secured allocation in the 2020 Local Plan for Bolsover District.

Alongside site promotion, P&DG has achieved resolutions to grant planning permission on two significant applications to redevelop the colliery site, one being a full application (supported by EIA) submitted to Derbyshire County Council, the other submitted in outline for the mixed-use redevelopment of the site for housing, employment and a significant new local nature reserve.

In both cases, we project managed a large multi-disciplinary team to achieve the desired outcome for our client.

Whitwell Colliery is one of the last and largest strategic brownfield sites in the Bolsover District and has laid vacant since the closure of the colliery in 1986. The site is, however, in a sustainable location adjacent to one of the District’s larger villages.

The Prior Approval was refused due to the Local Authority deeming it not “reasonably necessary” and the impact of the development would harm surrounding heritage assets, namely the rural setting of the Listed Buildings and a Conservation Area.

P&DG prepared an appeal through written representation, utilising well-reasoned justifications with robust evidence to present the proposal as being ‘necessary’ to the operations of the farm.

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