A review of 39 farmsteads was commissioned to inform strategic decision making by Chatsworth across its rural estate.

Client: Chatsworth Settlement Trustees (Chatsworth Estate)

Size: 39 farmsteads

LPA: Various, Derbyshire

Expertise: Estate Reviews, Feasibility Appraisals, Pre-Planning Advice

Often no longer meeting the needs of modern farming, constrained by heritage values or poorly located, P&DG assessed the potential for alternative uses of the farmsteads and development potential through an analysis of policy and technical constraints. Planning strategies were identified for priority sites, leading to a number of planning applications, including residential conversions and new builds.

P&DG’s advice contributed to commercially-focussed modernisation and rationalisation of the Estate’s rural property assets, alongside upholding its cherished responsibilities to local heritage, communities and its tenants, whilst also securing value and significant returns on its investment in the planning process.

The review has presented the Estate with both immediate and longer-term development prospects.

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