P&DG prepared a pre-application submission for the demolition of an existing two-storey retail and storage building to erect a three and a half storey student accommodation building.

Client: Collie Properties

Size: 95 sq meters

LPA: Nottingham City Council

Expertise: Conservation Area, Design and Access Statement, Pre-Planning Advice

The site lies within a Conservation Area and within the setting of Listed Buildings. A contextual and policy analysis was undertaken revealing a number of underground caves adjacent to the site, which are accessible from the Sir John Borlase Warren Public House to the immediate east of the site.

Once Pre-application advice was sought P&DG project managed the planning application, which included a suite of documents such as a Cave and Noise Quality Assessment. P&DG prepared the full Planning and Heritage Statement alongside a Design and Access Statement, demonstrating how the scheme complies with housing standards, including Part M of the building regulations. Also, how the design and appearance respond positively to the surrounding heritage and is in conjunction with the need to revitalise the Canning Circus Conservation Area.

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