As design coding becomes more expected as part of the planning and development process, especially as set out in The National Design Guide, P&DG undertakes this level of design work to complement our Design and Access Statements.

We believe that continuity and consistency with involvement through the design process from concept to detailed design framework is essential to delivering an integrated and deliverable development. Good urban design and placemaking principles are at the heart of all our design code work.  We undertake all aspects of design coding from establishing strategic design frameworks through to prescribing detailed code elements.

A Design Code provides control over the design of those aspects of the development that are considered necessary to achieve a high-quality place. A Code establishes a series of design parameters to guide a developer and deliver a final development that achieves the proposal outlined in the Design and Access Statement.

Our design codes explore and relate to contextual, blue and green infrastructure, urban morphology, and movement/circulation infrastructure. The code solutions for a site and proposal are reflective of both urban and landscape parameters.

Design Coding allows for a seamless approach to the design of different phases and elements of the proposal so that a coherency is achieved across the whole scheme. P&DG has the inhouse capability to deliver all aspects of design coding, including advising developers at the delivery stage of the process.


Richard Hall

Managing Director

Richard Just

Senior Urban Designer

Harriet Pollitt Nind


Elmsley Heath

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