The land at Lime Lane represented a significant opportunity to contribute towards housing supply in Derby City at the time of the Local Plan review, however, there were significant policy challenges to overcome including; the position of the site within an established ‘Green Wedge’, the proximity to the ancient woodland of Chaddesden Wood, highways and access constraints and localised flooding concerns.

Client: JGP Properties Limited

Size: 11 hectares

LPA: Derby City Council

Expertise: Feasibility Appraisals, Five-Year Housing Land Supply, Masterplanning

P&DG project managed the promotion of the site and were able to successfully overcome initial Officer concerns through the preparation of a comprehensive independent review of Derby’s Green Wedge and Sustainability Appraisal. Strong planning arguments, robust technical evidence, innovative urban design and placemaking ensured this site was selected by the LPA for the Local Plan above rival options being promoted at the time. The site was allocated in the later stages of the Local Plan, and P&DG defended the site in representations at Examination.

Prior to the site’s allocation, P&DG completed pre-application enquiries, multiple rounds of public consultation and achieved outline planning permission at Committee for an accompanying application to develop part of the site for up to 250 dwellings, along with enhanced drainage provision and green corridors and buffer zone from Chaddesden Wood. Following subsequent permissions, the site has now been built out, and we have carried out public consultation on the second phase.

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